
Not just another beauty blog...


Dear World,

What a fantastic thing having a blog is. It has been a year and a half since I last posted on my blog, and yet it has been on my mind almost every day since. What a strange thing this is. A blog is not a living thing, technically, it does not speak to you or comfort you, and yet it feels like something that is there in the back of your mind, waiting with open arms until you're ready to come back, ready to start writing and speaking and sharing. 

It is one of my biggest goals this year to BE. MORE. PRODUCTIVE. In the past two years I have developed a habit of being very unproductive. I watch YouTube videos any time I have a few minutes, or hours, to myself. I find it hard to remember what I even used to do without YouTube? I love watching them, and I won't stop altogether, but I need to use my time more wisely. This is where my blog comes in. I used to love blogging and it became something I was very proud of. It will probably never be the biggest, the best, or the most well subscribed, but it is something I have done and it allows me to be creative. 

I still love beauty and make up. I've worked for BareMinerals and Liz Earle, as well as working in the fabulous Liberty of London with the best beauty hall out there. Beauty will always be my biggest passion. I also love books. Books have become more and more important to me in the past year. Sometimes I do go through phases, maybe a month or two, when I won't read, mainly due to being too busy (genuinely, I've moved three times in the last year and a half and started three new jobs - I'm indecisive) but I have increased my collection and have discovered, in particular, two incredible books that have stayed with me since reading them. Books are something I am very keen to incorporate more into my blog, books are beautiful and inspiring and I hope some of you will think so too.

A revamp is in progress, but as I am sure you know, this can take some time to get it perfect and I wanted to get a post up today. TODAY. But please know that Duck and Egg will be coming back with a new look very soon.

Everyone says it, not everyone does it. This is the start of good things. I will remember exactly how I feel NOW and use that feeling to make this blog into what I want it to be.

I hope to see you here throughout 2015. 

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